1.can woman use tweezer for removing hair from chin,as it is metal and I heard that it’s haram to use metallic objects for removing hair from anywhere? 2. If menstrual cycle of a woman are disturbed by some contraceptive(birthcontrol method), then how she suppose her purification days? Sometimes light pink color in the beginning when it is checked by tissue paper but after that no signs of menses sometimes 5-10 days gap occur and when it starts properly it takes more than 10 days for getting complete purification, so when the ghusl is obligatory.after 10 days or any other solution?
1. It is permissible for her to use a tweezer to remove facial hair. In fact, the removal of facial hair for women is advisable.
2. It is permissible to employ metallic objects to remove unwanted hair. After all, razors, etc. are also manufactured from metal.
3. Where the cycle is disturbed and she witnesses any non-white shade of discharge, it will be treated as a nomal discharge of blood. Since the ruling affecting this problem is a bit complicated, we suggest you inform us of the exact nature of the cycle, a) What was the normal habit? b) Which day to which day was there a normal blood discharge? c) How many days of purity before the pinkish discharge? d) How many days of pinkish discharge? Kindly provide details of dates, etc. and we will, Insha Allah, issue a ruling accordingly.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Muhammad Kadwa