My fiance is in a foreign country and I’ll be going in that same country for higher studies.. However his parents’ are not willing for us to have a nikah. they say that he’s not working yet,although he’s getting paid for the studies he’s doing. And as I read in previous post, you say better avoid secret nikah.. But in our case, since we’ll be alone in a foreign country, and we’re going to meet frequently, will that not be an option? Also. is it a condition of nikah, that the boy must suport the girl financially, or can the girls’ parents still support her?
Respected Brother-in-Islam
Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu
We have stated that the secret Nikah will be valid but discouraged due to
the reasons mentioned in the article.
The validity of Nikah is not dependant on the husband being able to maintain
his wife. The wife may forfeit her rights of maintenance for any give time
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai