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Names of the Gates Of Jannah

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Albalagh.net

Names of the Gates Of Jannah

By Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Q.) I have been searching the web to find out the names of the gates of Jannah but was able to only find one which is Ar-Rayyan. To my incomplete knowledge, I know that there are eight gates of Jannah. Can you please let me know what are the names of the other seven. [Adnan Latif]

A.) In Bukhari Shareef (chapter of fasting) names of doors of Jannah are mentioned:

Baabus-salaat, Baabul-Jihaad, Baabul-Rayyaan, Baabul-sadaqaat

The names of the other doors are according to other Ibaadat. (Mirqaat)

And Allah Taala Knows Best.

This answer was collected from Albalagh.net, which is an Islamic site with Q&A and articles authored by many world renowned scholars from the Muslim world. Many of Mufti Taqi Uthmani’s fatawa in English are found exclusively on this site.

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