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Monthly Archives: January 2022

Question about my financial responsibility when I marry

University bursary and using money gifted to me by family

Responsibility of a Husband over wife’s religious duties…

Claiming more hours than actually worked and the Income from it

Why do we find so many hadiths about the punishments of a wife

Parental abuse and child now suffering as an adult

Shariah Compliant Home Financing Company in Canada

Iman of someone who watches or works for contentious media channel promoting kufr

Does the wife have a right to know about her husband’s $10K inheritance from his late father?

Getting a Driving license and related un-islamic elements

[Follow Up] Husband’s right to refuse wife to leave the house…

Buying a car through Bank Financing

I have been told that my Iddat will be only 1 month…

Is preventing your wife from going out injustice?

1. Contamination and purification; 2. Cooking with alcohol