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Monthly Archives: November 2019

Zakaat query

Laws of Qurbaani according to the Four Madhabs

Is it permissible to have an abortion because of abuse in a marriage ?

Touching – Hurmah Al-Musaharah

Zakat on savings

I dreamt that my tooth broke. what does it mean?

Reading Quran on Phone

2 Rakat prayer after tawaf during Umrah. It is wajib Nafil or sunnat?

Is it permissible to make Dua for a non-believer who has passed away?

Is it permissible for a woman to remove her headscarf due to a medical illness?

Applying a visa for a person intending to do Haraam in his travels

Rewards of reciting Quran and laws pertaining to Wasiyyah

How does one inform the Imam of a Lahn-e-Jaliyy (Major mistake)?

Will taking a screenshot on a phone of animate things be the same as picture taking?

Am I allowed to pray Salah while I am performing my Tawaaful Wida?