Home » 2019 » November (Page 37)

Monthly Archives: November 2019

A non muslim woman had a baby with a muslim man. What must they do?

What can a woman recite from the Quran during Haydh?

Wudu before sleeping

Can one apply balm while fasting?

Can I pay zakat with my husband’s money which is earned by working in the IT department of a riba based bank?

Lady falling onto man in the state of Ihram in Hajj. Any expiation required?

Wali for marriage

Can an Imam read most of his part in the first Rakaat a a little in the next?

Mani due to constipation

Zakat on saved money

Delivering newspapers and coupons to betting shops

Can Masjid staff be paid bonuses with Masjid Funds?

The Aqeedah of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah regarding the Sahaba.

Is it permissible to have plot schemes or ballot schemes with regards to property?

Talaaq Query