Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Tafseer Raheemi (Page 8)

Answers indexed from: Tafseer Raheemi

Salah in college without Azan and iqamah

I’ll masturbate now and do tawba later!

My husband wants to have a second wife, What should I do?

Short tafseer of the shortest Surah of the Quran

University loan?

Is it permissible to perform isha Salah after midnight?

I got excited while reciting Quran & read a word loudly. Is it kufr?

Is my Uncle’s Wife’s Counted as A Mahram or Ghair Mahram?

My Mum and Dad Might Get Divorced

Bleed From the Rectal Area at the Time of Salah

Please provide the exact meaning of “Ullul Azam”

Can We Do Quran Khatams (in Groups) for a Deceased Person (Isaale Sawaab) or is it Bidah?

University Final Year Project Idea

In My Dream Someone Told Me That Hadhrat Aisha (ra) Was Calling Me

E numbers? Should we ask a Muslim whether his food is halal?