Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Darulifta-Deoband.com (Page 244)

Answers indexed from: Darulifta-Deoband.com

While doing WUDU, shall I just MASAH the socks or do I have to wash the leg? Is Masah allowed for cotton socks?

Is it permissible to claim car insurance for repairs under Shari’ah law?

Can two jamats pray witr together in one masjid during Ramadan?

Is it permissible for me to take my KARZ from him if I know his money is haram?

Why has your family been against you for 7 years because of your beard?

Is this true: Praying 4 raka’t Nafil on Last Friday of Ramadan can be Qaza/Kaffara for 700 years?

Need I pay Zakat on plot < Rs.3 lakhs for daughter's marriage?

Khalid, loan lene ke liye kya sariyat hai?

How can I help my son to prioritize me over my mother-in-law?

Is Hadhrat Easa Alaihis Salam still alive? What verse of the Holy Quran supports this belief?

Must we do Taraweeh?

Is joint family system allowed in Islam?

What did the dream mean to Syed Ajmal Pasha?

Is it permissible to give zaqat to our cousin who is a miskeen and has his own house?

Can a man who has committed Zina repent and lead a good life according to Islamic teachings?