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Answers with Tag: Ummah

Question: I have read the evidences provided by yourselves for tawassul via the Prophet (sallaallahu alayhi wassalam). I have not, however, seen any evidence for intercession via saints …is there any such evidence and if not, then how can we say that this is permissible?

Shaykh Afifi Al-Akiti Ash-Shafi’i’s Talk on Ikhtilaf Al-Ummah

Is Hadra Permissable As Per Ijma?

Is Cat Hair Impure (Najasah)?

Why Are Not Muslim Countries United?

The Means to Deviation

Freedom as a Human Right

Is it backbiting when journalists report honestly on the sins(crimes) of politicians ? Considering that they are fighting evil by exposing it to the voting populace.

Please explain about Allah breathing of His soul into Adam and an angel breathing the breath of life into us

About dr. farhat hashmi…also i want to know about Albani and kelani sahab.

Whether Mufti Rashid Ahmad(of ahsan ul Fatawa) is a correct aalim or not

Women of this world will be more beautiful then the hoors …no one ever seems to provide the hadith for proof

Why scholars have such a conflicting opinion about Maulana Maududi’s scholarship? It’s confusing for a common Muslim like myself.

One of the Five pillars of Islam is: La ilaha ilallah muhammad Rasoolullah.Isnt that sufficient?

What is the significance if any in your opinion of the tragedy of karbala in our daily lives?