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Contaminated Animal Feed (Jalla Jilla Julla wa Jallala!)

The Oldest Reference to the Qur’an from Non-Muslim Sources

The Ghusl of a Shahada DeathBelonging to the B-Type

On the Risala and the Appendices of al-Umm

Order of Sunnah Prayers in Shafi’i School

Niyyah and Fasting

Marriage Through Consent

Lobsters and “Sea” Crabs in Shafi’i School

Kissing the Thumbs, etc. during Adhan?

Follower Reciting Al-Fatiha in the Shafi’i School

Discounted’ Debt Transfer

Can Muslim woman teach mixed class

Burnt Out on: Socks and Beards

Al-Maqal al-Ma’thur fi al-Qawl al-Mashhur

Shaykh Afifi Al-Akiti Ash-Shafi’i’s Talk on Ikhtilaf Al-Ummah