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Answers with Tag: sunnah

Words that Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) would use at the beginning of du’a

Praising Allah after every sip/bite/morsel

The virtue of the sunnah offered before and after Zuhr

Sayyiduna Ali’s famous statement regarding loving and hating in moderation

Eating whatever the host provides

Sayyiduna Hamzah’s mutilation

The father is the best door to Jannah

Is there a virtue of reciting ‘Allahumma barik fil mawt’ twenty five times daily?

Muhammad Al-Fatih

The Masnun Surahs of Jumu’ah Salah

A virtue of carrying the Janazah

A question about ‘Rabbana lakal hamd’

Holding the hand of a fellow Muslim

Du’a for expansion in sustenance

Correct wording on the virtue of the sunnah