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Answers with Tag: Suhoor

Eating after sehri time

What is the ruling about smoking after the time of sehri is finished?

Can I take Sehri in Ramadan if I don’t understand the Azan in Bangalore/Chennai/Hyderabad?

Stop SEHERI in Bengali at Fajr start in our area when azan is late?

If you skip sehri of nafl fast, will the fast be valid?

Valid fast if ihtilam, no bath due to shyness, & no Fajr prayer?

What are the rules and regulations of sawm?

Is “Bisaume GHadin Nawaitu Min Shahre Ramadan” dua for sehri allowed? If not, what’s an alternative?

Does sex with wife during roza require qaza or kaffarah?

Authentic hadith for “Allaahumma laka sumtu wa ala Rizqika Aftartu”?

Niyat needed for qaza? 1 or 2 qazas if missed Sehri?

Is Making a Verbal Intention a Condition for the Validity of the Fast?

Making qadha due to eating sehri after fajr time sets in

Questions About Fasting: Ramadan, Kazas, and Nafila

Finishing sehri at the last minute following an incorrect clock