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Answers with Tag: slaughter

Cat food ingredients

Slaughtering an Animal in the state of Janabah

Placenta in cosmetics/ Snake oil

Why do we have to eat Halal?

Slaughtering an animal for the ill

Aqeeqah at a later Age

Can money be given in charity as Aqiqah instead of sacrificing an animal?

Are llamas halal to consume?

What is the ruling of sugar processed with bone char?

Is it permissible to perform tests on mice and animals for medical research?

Is Qurbani valid if at the time of purchasing it the price was unknown?

What is the ruling of products containing collagen?

What is the ruling of severing the neck of an animal during slaughter?

Are receivables considered when calculating one’s eligibility for performing Qurbani?

When to Slaughter the Qurbani (Hanbali Fiqh)