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Answers with Tag: slaughter

Did the barber’s trimming of my short hair create a dam on me?

Is it permissible to feed cows and chickens with feathers, blood, and dead chickens?

How is Khurbani animal sacrificed according to halal and haram?

Is it permissible to eat chicken and beef in the US, saying bismillah?

What does Islamic law say about the clothes splashed with chicken blood?

Kya musalman dukandar ka is tarah ka rozgaar halaal ya haraam hey?

Can Deoband help Muslims find Halal food in India’s fast food restaurants?

Is it permissible to have sexual intercourse after realizing one round of tawaf was missed?

Have I committed a mistake by not entering Ihram for Umrah on return from Medina?

Is it permissible to eat Halal meat and chicken in Virginia, USA?

Why is alcohol haram in Islam?

Is killing animals for non-vegetarian food allowed in Islamic sharia?

Is meat that was slaughtered by Jews halal or haram?

Do those who eat food cooked on someone else’s name & those who serve it lose their Imaan?

What more should we do to remedy our mistake of unknowingly committing acts not permitted in ihram?