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Answers with Tag: slaughter

What are the Shariah rules on wealth distribution and signs of a munafiq in the Quran?

Is eating cow meat a sin in India?

Is it required to recite Bismillah Allahu Akbar when slaughtering fish for it to be halal?

Is it permissible to wear ihram in Jeddah for Umrah?

Did we do the Umrah correctly?

Are Syed Mohammad Jaunpuri’s followers considered Muslims despite believing he was the Mehdi?

Are medicines with gelatin shells halal or haram?

Can we do Nikah & Aqiqa in Asar & Valima in Maghrib?

Is animal sacrificing for Sadaqah allowed in Islam?

What should I do to help my sister who may be visited by a jinn again?

Is it okay to follow Alims blindly when you know they are wrong?

Is KFC chicken Halal or Haram? Is there a meaning to my dream of drinking pork?

Is using leather of unknown animals halal or haram?

What should someone do if they miss a round of Tawaf Umra or Tawaf Ziyara?

Is it ok to eat chicken with skin?