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Answers with Tag: shirk

Du’a for protection from Shirk

“Whoever plays chess has committed shirk”

An objection about a poem mentioned in fadhail e durood

Does Durood Naariyyah have shirk in it? Should we recite it?

Method of Getting Rid of Jin, Shaytan and Other Makhluq

Never commit shirk, even if you are tortured

Beautifying one’s Salah due to onlookers is hidden shirk

The danger of ‘hidden shirk’ is worse than Dajjal

Ikhlas is protection from ostentation and shirk

Abstaining from shirk, black magic and malice

The seven most major sins

The 99 names of Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam)

Clarification on Hadiths regarding good/bad intentions

A du’a for protection from major and minor shirk

A du’a taught to Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (radiyallahu ‘anhu)