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Answers with Tag: second marriage

What is the way to correct the past mistake of not following the rules of iddah strictly after being divorced thrice by the husband?

Is Mr. Zakir Hossain’s marriage to his first wife still valid?

Is fulfilling the mannat of four months or one month Ayetkaaf wajib for you?

Should I proceed with 3Talaaq to get separated from my wife?

Is the istikharah valid and accurate in predicting my future marriage?

Is it allowed in Islamic law for a man who is married and has children to marry another woman while still being married?

Should I stay or work in the Gulf? Can I marry my wife’s sister?

Is it permissible for Irfan to marry his late brother’s wife, according to Islamic law?

What does my father’s finger in wounds signify in my dream?

In Islam, can verbal words be used to divorce someone?

Can the man marry another wife without his wife’s permission?

Is it allowed in Islam to marry a second time and not give equal rights if the woman is willing?

Is it right to go for a second marriage instead of going into depression due to my first wife?

Is Khula and talaq e bai’n valid in Islam? Rights of ex-husband/girl? Reunite w/o remarrying? Eligible for maintenance in iddah?

What type of observances do you need to keep during an iddat period?