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What does my father’s finger in wounds signify in my dream?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Darulifta-Deoband.com
Dream: I saw in dream that “[my father had very severe wounds in his fingers with blood. He is inserting deep his own finger in his wounds. I am asking him not to do this. He is unhappy with me. In dream I have grief pain, as he charges me and my wife of unnecessary and baseless blaims & he is unhappy with me for no faults of mine and my wife and I am unable to convince him.]” (Due to length, given below circumstances, you may not print on your website. It is only for your (respected ulamas of deoband) reference please.) I & my wife goes in 40 days jamaats and try to live deeni life. My father sometimes says that after death there is nothing, and sometimes kufriya sentences. After suffering painful life, now from six years, I am living separate from my parents. I used to visit them once a week and my wife some times in months. After tiresome efforts of dawat and to safeguard from pity home politics, now, I go in a year to meet my sister, brother (live separately from parents). But they, & my parents do not come to my house even when my wife was seriously ill for months on bed, and for 3 weeks had to pass stools/urine on bed while my wife did a lot of khidmat to my parents. 3-4 months back, due to someone?’s false blame, my father ORDERED me not to visit his house. After that I tried to talk him on phone and went on Idul-Azha but he did not open the door. NOW, I FEEL NO COURAGE TO MEET HIM. My father ((very angry man) had secret second marriage but it?’s not open. There had been a lot of reasons, home money politics and pain for long years. Due to pains after every some months from him I do not want to meet him but due to my religious duty and my love and fikr for parents?? aakhirat I want to meet them. BUT NOW THAT DOOR OF MEETING HAS ALSO BEEN CLOSED BY HIM. No relative or person can convince him. QUESTION: What will happen to me and to him in aakhirat due to failed relation of son and father and my wife’s father-in-law? WILL I BE CONSIDERED FOR QATA-TALLUK?


(Fatwa: 986/986=H)

(1) Negligence and carelessness of your father in religious acts have been denoted in the dream. May Allah enable all to reform their conditions, Amen! 

(2)  You must not abandon greeting your father. You must sometimes go to your father. If he mistreats you, you should still adopt good conduct for him and keep praying to Allah for his wellbeing. 

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband

This answer was collected from the official ifta website of Darul Uloom Deoband in India.

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