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Answers with Tag: school of thought

Is Lion Bar (Nestle) halal and what is your school of thought?

Can I take bayat from Hakeem Akhter and attend Dr. Farhat Hashmi’s lectures at Al Huda Trust?

Are foods labeled suitable for vegetarians halal if they contain haraam ingredients?

The Ruling on Prawns in the Hanafi School

Does my husband nullify my ablution (Wudu)?

Is Tāweez (Amulet) permissible?

How many Rakāts and Salām are in Witr Salāt?

Proof for the Prophet being alive in the grave, what is Imam Bukhari’s/Muslim’s maslak?

Should we do rafa῾yadain or not?

1) What r the differences between deoband and nadwa?…. 2) And were some nadwis like maulana abulhasan ali nadwi associated with the deobandi maslik

I follow Hanafi school of thought and I would like to know that during Salah, is it permissible to move to the front rows or move to our left/right to fill the gaps that unfortunately come up due to late settling of the people.

Is this hadith about divorce authentic & accepted by FIQ HANAFI.if not,please specify valid reasons.

We issue rulings according to the Hanafi school of thought.

Dear mufti sahab pls tell me that which type of hajj is virtues hajj-e-tamattu, hajj-e-qiran or hajj-e-ifraat

If i will get the last rakah of Jamat Asr salah…Shall i hv to recite the surah in the last two or first two rakah’s or only surah fatiha will suffice?