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Answers with Tag: Salaah

Keeping security dogs

Wudhu breaking when discharge becomes visible

Making up for salaahs missed while one was an apostate

Performing salaah with offensive odours on one’s body and clothing

Standing straight after coming up from ruku

Musaafir mistakenly performing four rakaats instead of two

Appointing a dishonest person as an imaam for Taraweeh Salaah

Imaam moving forward when a second person joins the jamaat

Performing salaah while having the urge to relieve oneself

Wazifah to make daily chores easy

Intention when performing one janaazah salaah for a few mayyits

Wife standing in front of her husband when performing salaah in the same room

Performing nafl salaah before the fardh salaah

Not reciting bismillah in salaah

Repeating salaah if one finds impurity on one’s clothing