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Answers with Tag: Salaah

Wearing clothes soiled with alcohol and performing salaah

Reciting an aayah of sajdah in salaah without making sajdah

Doubtful Wudhu: Repeating Salaah?

Reciting first three aayaat of Surah Fajr in salaah

Performing fardh salaah while azaan is called out

Travelling safr distance from watn-e-iqaamat

Performing two jumuah salaahs in the same musjid or two eid salaahs in one eid gah

Which salaah is more important, Sunnat Muakkadah or Tahajjud?

Leaving out the sunnat-e-muakkadah salaah and performing qadha salaah

Performing shukar salaah few times a day

Acceptance of Qadha Prayers: Praying After Shopping or Weddings

Forgetting to recite a surah after surah faatihah in salaah

Qualities of an Imaam

Leaving out a fardh act in salaah

Finding blood on one’s clothing after slicing meat