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Answers with Tag: sajda

Sajdatut Tilaawah (Prostration of Recitation)

Sajdatus Sahwi In Eid Salaah

Reciting the same surahs in consecutive rakats due to forgetfulnes

Leaving out salaams in Sajda Sawh

Extra Ruku in Salaat.

Making dua in sajdah.

Incomplete sajdah due to neck pain.

Converning Taraweeh Salaah

Do I need to perform Sajda multiple times if reciting a Quranic verse w/ Sajda multiple times?

How to Perform Sajda When the Namaz is Performed on the Chair Due to Joint Pain

Late to Masjid, congregation in Sajda, how catch up on fardh salah?

In what way is sajda different for men and women?

What are the prerequisites for performing the prostration of thanks (sajdah-e-shukr)?

How do you perform sajda sahwa?

Delay in the performing of the Sajdah