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Answers with Tag: repent

Was the first Talaq ever valid?

Children watching ‘Islamic’ Cartoons

Online Commodity Trading

What is proof of الصحابة كلهم عدول

Can I punish myself for masturbation?

Can Isale Sawaab be done for people who are alive?

Your regret for purposefully making a blasphemous statement is a clear sign of your Iman

Is it permissible to work as Cable Technician?

Is it permissible to use my mother’s money?

I fear that this will ruin our marriage

Conventional interest based savings accounts are impermissible

I want to keep my pigeons but my parents consider pigeon-keeping a bad thing. What should I do?

1. Delaying Asr Salaah. 2. Praying Salaah In a room with women.

Disobedience to the father

What should I do to repent? I am truly remorseful and feel so guilty.