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Answers with Tag: Qurbani

Can one change their Qurbani animal by selling it or exchanging it for another Qurbani animal?

Slaughtering an animal for a deceased person who passed away on the day of Eid

Slaughtering another persons Qurbani animal instead of ones own Qurbani animal on the day of Eid

Shaving the hair & clipping the nails for the Haaji performing Qurbani

What do the Ulama and Muftiyan kiram say about the following matter? Q. It is very common in our … give one third to any Madrasa? Md. Jibreel Nepali

Sir I have serious doubt regarding choice of sacrificial animal during eid-ul-adha. In my country cow is … may allah s.w.t keep you in good health.

I have given a person 2 lakh rupees. At present I am out of nisaab amount in my hands. Do I have to present qurbani being wajib on me?

Can I do qurbani in the name of my marhoom grandfather, grandmother,father in law, mother in law … name of persons mentioned above on only one goat.

Pelting (Rami) times during Hajj

Making up for missed (Qadha) Qurbani

Keeping all the Qurbani meat for oneself

Is there a time frame for distributing Qurbani meat? 

Is the Spinal Marrow Haraam to consume?

Is Qurbani compulsory upon one who’s fund’s are tied up in an investment?

Is it permissible to slaughter an animal for Qurbani who’s horns have been broken or uprooted?