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Answers with Tag: perfume

Sunnah-Approved Perfume Application: Itr and More

Women wearing lipstick, eye-liner, etc. when leaving the home

Passing a bottle of attar (perfume) on Fridays

Performing Salaah after touching a person who uses perfumes which may contain alcohol

Can we use perfume instead of aatar, is it halaal or haraam? 

What kinds of perfumes a Muslim woman can use for her marriage

What Are the Guidelines For a Woman on her Menses During Hajj?

Kohl and Perfume While Fasting, and Women Wearing Perfume.

Perfume made from beetroot

Are perfumes containing alcohol permissible?

Does fragrance break the fast

I work in a perfume shop. Does smelling fragrance break my fast?

Is alcohol denat haram to use in perfumes and aftershaves?

Is namaz acceptable if one has a permanent tattoo and uses perfume with alcohol?

Can you provide a summarized fatwa on alcohol use in perfume for our Vieri Perfume packaging?