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Answers with Tag: namaaz

Adjusting the namaaz postures on account of the microphone

Performing Salaah without a topi, wearing short sleeves or without a kurta

Qadha Salah: Ruling and Authentic Ahadith

Working in Ladysmith, living in PMB and staying in Durban in the weekends

Reciting in a way that one can here himself in Salaah

Qadhaa of the namaaz left out on safar

Making sounds in Salaah due to illness

Making up for missed out farz prayers

Following an Ibaadi Imaam

Standing up before “Haya Alas Salaah”

If Salah is not valid, how does one then repeat it thereafter?

Clean shaven person giving the Azaan

Salaah with women congregation

Performing Salaah alone or individually

Holiday flat in Portugal