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Answers with Tag: Nails

Dream Interpretation

Job as cabin crew

Maya Cosmetics

Why is Mehndi permissible and nail polish prohibited?

What are the effects of listening to music & why is it Haraam?

Trimming Nails and Hair While Fasting

Removing hair and nail during menstruation

Removing unwanted hair and cutting nails while in haidh

The smell of henna

Nabi’s (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) advice when milking animals

The punishment for those who backbite and defame people

Is it Permissible to sell Wigs, Fake nails, Sculptures

Can we sell mannequins, wigs and fake nails?

Shaving Head after Eid ul Adha Sacrifice

A Hadith mentioning benefits of clipping the nails on different days of the week