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Answers with Tag: medication

Does using an asthma inhaler break your fast?

Can non-halal medications be given and should healthcare professionals provide them?

Is alcohol made from wheat permissible in making perfume?

Women Seeking Medical Treatment from Male Doctors

Is it okay to take Medicines with Gelatine?

Swimming in Front of a non-Mahram Male for a Medical Need

Does Mufti Taqi Usmani Promote Writing Surat al-Fatiha with Urine?

Women taking Bai’ah

Is it permissible to get married if one has premature ejaculation?

Is Tāweez (Amulet) permissible?

Can I use a medicine which contains gelatine?

Is it permissible to practice give Botox injections, facial peels, dermabrasions. Mostly, its done for patients to look younger and good looks. How about for medical sickness?

My question is that my family members is of the the view that we should not do WAZAIF without the permission of any BUZURG, and if we do these wazaif without their permission they can be harmful for ourselves.

I am suffering from piles. I apply Oil (herbal medicine) in the anal region. The medicine ingredient contains cow urine. …Do I need to wash it every time before salaat? The soiled area is maybe 3-4 Cms.

Q1) Is wearing tavees permissible. nowadays lots of people wear it for protection. did the nabi (saw) forbade this?…Q2) Is swimming, horse riding, bows and arrows, wrestling and racing are sports that nabi (saw) use to do? can we say that they are considered to be sunnah?