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Answers with Tag: medication

You stated that it was permissable to consume a nourishment drink that contains 15% alcohol.

I am an asthma patient. Is it permissible for me to use the inhaler during fasting?

I am an asthma patient.

Can I take pills to stop menstruation during 4-week Hajj trip with erratic periods lasting 10 days?

Can women take medication to stop their period during Ramadan?

Can we use perfumes with alcohol?

Is stomach stapling allowed in Islam for obese and diabetic individuals who have tried other weight loss methods?

Is the contraceptive pill permissible for acne treatment?

Does a male convert to Islam need to get circumcised?

How can I help my brother with severe ulcerative colitis and protect him from black magic?

Why is alcohol extracted from dates and grapes considered Haram in various items?

Is alcohol from wheat, barley, etc. in food, medication, or toiletry items Halal or Haraam?

Are anti-depressant tablets allowed in Islam?

Should I continue using my Brycnyl inhalers despite containing alcohol and doubts in my head?

Is it permissible in Shariah to use SECRETINE, a medicine made from pig, to cure autism?