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Answers with Tag: mahr

I understand that a woman has to be intimate with her husband on his request, but where in the Qur’an does it say this?

Planning to go abroad (plane distance) to my grandads house, but the problem is that we don’t have a mehram that is free to take us…

Can an unmarried woman perform hajj with the money that she has earned herself?

A) Is it permissible to enshroud ourselves with indian sarees if it covers the stomach but exposes the arms below the elbows …

On www.submission.org/true-shahada.html that if you bear witness to the Finality Messengership of Muhammad (S) you are a hypocrite.research ALL of www.submission.org/true-shahada.html &explain

Breast feeding using medicine to make child mahram

Can I a lady wearing scarf and full sleeves salwar kameez work as a software engineer due to financial problems? Shall discontinue once the conditions improve.

I am engaged with a girl who is non-mahram to me. is it permissible to do so? we dont do emails to eachother or we just write “i love you” to eachother

I have heard from someone that a women’s ablution breaks if men see their hair. Is this true and what is the hadith behind this ?

Bossa (Kiss) our parents and elders hands on eid or big days as a sign of respect?

Kindly tell me what is the purpose of mehr/dowry in Islam — is it a means of security for the woman or as a gift?

Is it harom 2 talk 2 guyz but not religion wise just as friends

My daughter was born out of wedlock. Can she nullify my wudu?

Can I treat my cousin sister as i treat my own sister?Can i kiss my cousin sister(she is a year and a half elder than me)as i kiss my own sister on forehead on the ocassions of EID and all.

Can i use lips stick which product will be halal?