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Answers with Tag: madhab

I’ve talked to an alim and mufti about changing mazhab (to shafi) but I didn’t really get a straight answer.

Iraq’s central region follows the hanafi madhab also saddam hussiens rebublican guard. When scholars of Iraq issue fatwa for jihad, is it fardz upon the ummah ?…

Our MSA at the University is having lecture & dinner. brothers are also showing a video that they made. The moral of the movie is to fight your Nafs. Are such videos permissible ?

Will Tabligh Jamaat force me to commit Shirk by sending me to tomb areas?

Are the followers of the Ibadhi sect in Oman ,Muslim or not?

I often see in my dream that my teeth are breaking, I want to know what it means.

What does the musallee read in the silent salaah. Does he read surah faathiya or does he read suraah faatiya and another surah

If a person is in Makkah’s hadood though he has already performed many umrah’s and hajj-(1) whether Umrah is Fardh upon him or not?

Madhab of Ibn Taiymiah Rahmatullah… Did Hafiz Ibn Taimiyah Rahmatullah perform 20 rakat Taraweh? and did he also not allow masah over regular non-leather socks?

Are there any shafi alims at darul ifta, and are there any shafi madrasas in south Africa?

Is it permissible to break engagement? One of my friend got engaged with one girl 6 months back (with parents will)…

Question Concerning this Upcoming Eid Al Adha. Who should we follow if the local scholars are split in opinion? Details in Question.

Please inform the ummah, about the evidence for the witr salaah, being declared as wajib amongst the ihnaaf, also please explain the meaning of wajib,

Is sunni the shorter name for ahlus sunnah wal jamaah & could you tell me what madhab you follow. is maulana mufti Muhammad shafi reliable & are his books good.

Reciting Sura Fatiha behind the imam(ref Qs 6564), confused … e) Since all Imam and their followers are correct then why there is contradiction in reading Surat Fatiha behind Imam?