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Answers with Tag: madhab

1. I realize that I recited Alhamdu surah alone and not an additional surah. 2. Which mad-hub follows in Masjid al-Haram and masjidun-nabawi?

1) woman preforming salat reading from the quran while following the imam, 2) when maliki asr has started and hanifi zohr has not ended can maliki pray zohr in hanafi time

1) On jummas, can the khutba, the adaan, and the salaat be started before duhr time? 2) A friend told me that if you see an ambulance going in emergency, you should make dua.

What is the exact age until which a lady is allowed to breast-feed her child?

Can a hanafi read Asr once the Shafi time for Asr has set in(Hanafi time for Asr has not yet set in-usually Asr for Shafi starts earlier then that of Hanafi)

What are the teachings in the four Madhahib that if a person eats a camel meat, he breaks his Ablution?

Are the foll. Halal to eat? Clams, Crab, Tuna, Dolphins, Lobsters, Oysters, Octopus, Shellfish, Shrimp, Snails, Snakes

Can you kindly explain why fish and seafood is it already halal? why does not need to be slaughtered in a halal way?

Shud I, being a hanafi, attend the Asr prayers at the masajid here (that are carried out at the early shafie time) or shud i pray the asr prayers at home

1)Do we need to do istinja if the stomach air is released? 2) How do I decide, either to follow the the hanafi way or shafi way in daily ibadaat?

Are men allowed to wear shorts?

Where should the hands be placed in salaat? Can you give me proof from hadith that says what we should do?

Please advise how to perform Masah of the head during Wudu. Do the hair need to get wet, what portion? Do the fingers need to touch the scalp or go thru the hair or simply over the hair?

1) I was told by someone that’s covering the face with veil is not a fardh, b) I intend to send my son to Madrassa Inamiyyah What is the minimum age to enrol in the hafiz course?

Husband’s biological father my mahram? Step-grandfather? Parent marry their child’s in-law? Salaat with a female Imam?