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Answers with Tag: Kufr

Is it permissible to bow to your partner whilst doing martial arts?

Islam and the New Millennium

Questions on Riba, Non-Muslim lands, & Imam Abu Hanifa

Prostrating out of Reverence (Sujud al-Ta`dhim) to other than Allah is Haram

Prayed at the Mosque while needing ghusl…

Dar al-Islam, Dar al-Kufr, and Khilafa

Prostrating to a Saint… and the fatwa of Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Allah have mercy on  him)

Is There Gradualisation For Converts in Islam?

Does belief have to be absolute?

Changing the Wife’s Last Name

Who Gets Custody of the Children After a Divorce?

Where is Allah

What Takes a Person Out of the Fold of Islam?

What is the Ruling For Someone Who Has Thoughts of Disbelief Without Saying Them Aloud?

What is the Difference Between Black Magic and a Miracle?