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Answers with Tag: istikhaara

Responsiblity of fathers to the children ? How can a father be made to be responsible financially in providing for his children and wife ?

How does one receive the answer to the Ishtikhara prayer?

Is it ok for a girl to consider more than one nikah proposal at the same time?

Respected Mufti Saab, How do I know what Istikharah is telling me? I am in the process of doing istikarah for marriage but how do I know which way Allah is telling me to go?

I have performed Nikah, but not consumated the marriage as we have not done Walima yet. My wife is violatingmy rights. If i leave her, am i obliged to pay mahr, and if so, what portion?

If you go against istikharah namaaz what is the consequence?

Many timees I had a phsysical relationship with a Girl & was guilty of it, asked for repentence but still I am continuing the same.

Could a person bring you bad luck? Some one told me that some people can be ‘bad’ for a person, is there any reality in this assumption?

Im not sure if she likes me because I am Pakistani and she is Arab.I would like to make a marriage proposal to her.How should I go about it to avoid rejection?

Rights/responsibilities of a Muslim man considering to marry a woman who has converted to Islam from Christianity with a child from a christian marriage.

Please recommend ways to soften me up in order to be a good wife.

What should I do? Should I persue her?

Is it Evil eye, hassad, black magic or just my bad luck?

If a mother and a father want there daughter to get married to somebody she doesnt like than does she have to get married even if the parents have a reason about her dressing

My father refuses to allow me to marry because the boy is not from the surtee community.will my nikah be vaild?is there such a thing as parents curse?no one else in my family objects.