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Answers with Tag: Internet

A family member of mine asked the following question: You must have heard about skill based Internet gaming sites like Yahoo and SkillJam etc. These sites provide various games like pool, golf etc which can be played against an opponent by paying a small amount of entry fee. If a player wins, he gets some profit while the defeated player does not get paid as he lost the game. Now the games are totally skill based and does not depend on luck. From Islamic perspective, is it forbidden to play or do business with this type of game? Can you please clarify?

Is it Permissible to have Phone Sex with One’s Wife?

I have a problem of masturbating. Is there any solution for me?

How is the Tafseer of Farhat Hashimi? Do you know any online site for learning Tajweed for a female?

For a single Muslim guy, is it more sin to commit zina (fornication) or to masturbate?

Is it permissible for me use Adsense for my website, or use a pseudonym while blogging or make a website for a music company?

I write articles on the internet and get paid for it. Is my source of income halal?

Is using facebook permissible?

I dont think i can talk to my parent about my marriage with the cousin nor any close relatives.So should i try to say her directly thru my another close cousin that i want to marry her in future ?

I’m 19 years old boy who have lot of interest in doing hifz and …In my first year I got insulted by one lecture who is also involve in this noble work. My classmates sometimes teases me with the words which he used for insulting me. I got stressed in my first year and also I had waswaas from shaitaan(about Allah talah)..Everytime I remembered that Ayah of Quran Innal laaha ma-as-sabireen

This year our masjid has broadcasted Live Taraweeh prayers on the INternet. The masjid is 5 mins walk from my house. I want to know if the Women can follow the LIve Taraweeh prayers from the internet, while at home So what I mean is that the Live

What is the Shar’i opinion with regards to the use of Internet for discussion of thoughts and engagement. Is there khalwa in the use of Messenger (only typing) ?

I was interested to know if participating in Auctions such- either in the actual physical ones or via the Internet like through EBAY is allowed in Islam ?

There are several moonsighting committees here in . Some have restricted their horizon (matla) only North America including Chicago hilal committee. Some…

Three years ago I accepted marraige Proposal via internet live talk to a Muslim from Pakistan. As of this wrting we are still commnication very often and as of yet I am still not married…