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Answers with Tag: Imam Nawawi

Bay’ al-‘Inah and Its Ruling in the Shafi’i Madhhab

Abu Mahdhurah’s (Rady Allahu ‘anhu) Adhan

A Question on Qunut in Witr and Prayers on the Prophet

A Question on Raf’ al-Yadayn

A Question on the Conditions of Prayer

Salaams.What exercises/sports were recommended by Rasoollullah S.A.W.?Please quote exact hadith narrations, e.g. of wrestling,swimming,running,shooting,sword,etc.

Is it permissible to knock on someone’s door more than three times?

Manuscript Sources for Sahih Bukhari

What if we forget that we owe somebody something?

Why Are There Differently-Worded Narrations To One Hadith?

I’ve been wearing the scarf for a coupe of years now but for a couple of months I have thought on and off about wearing a jilbaab. These past few days of Ramadan have been good for me and I feel the strongest I’ve ever felt about wearing it but these things are holding me back: 1) I don’t want to wear jilbaab and then take it off again because I will get more sin for that… I think. 2) I still want to do stuff like wear makeup but wearing jilbaab and doing this is worse representation of Islam in public. 3) I’m going to miss not being able to wear nice clothes and dress up which I like doing. 4) I don’t wear the scarf properly…. I wear it in public but when uncles and aunts cum round i have it on loosely and at weddings I don’t wear it. 5) I’m really afraid to commit to Islam and by wearing the jilbaab. I feel I will have more of a responsibility to make sure I represent Islam properly and learn more about din but I don’t know if I will be able to do this successfully and I don’t want to end up getting more sin than I am getting now. 6) I feel it will restrict me greatly in what type of job I apply for and if I get the position or not. 7) I want to wear it solely for the pleasure of Allah but sometimes I think, no I wont get reward for it because I am doing it for people as lose of people around me have started to practice Islam. I know these are all excuses and it is like I’m fighting with my self with one half of me saying wear it and the other don’t. How can I make myself stronger?

What is the ruling on standing up for the one who comes in?


Sunnah way of wearing shoes

Revealing a previous unlawful relationship at the time of marriage