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Answers with Tag: imaan

Is it permissible to eat chicken labeled halal in Europe without knowing if it is actually halal?

I was a Hindu. I am in love with a Musim boy for the past 6 years. Talking to him, I learnt about Islam. Alhamdullilah, I converted to Islam almost one and half years ago.

My mother doesn’t want to stay in America because of the effect the environment has on our imaan. My father can’t settle down anywhere except America.

What is the meaning of the hadith regarding migrating in the age of fitna? How shall I preserve my faith?

Every year during Ramadhan and Eid, the differences on the moon issue surfaces which brings about enormous problems. Our Ramadhan and Eid get spoiled with the in-fighting. What is your advice?

I really love her madly I am not able to forget her, I am feeling very guilty about what I have done with her (zina), I repented to Allah many time from the core of my heart. What should I do now?

1. Is muslim man is allow to marry a christian or hindu women ? 2. Is muslim women is allow to marry to christian or hindu man?

I m a doctor from usa. I finished my medical school from pakistan. I m very upset and I want to continue my career as a doctor but I m not ready to take my niqaab off.

Why do different forms of waswasa come? what is this and why it came at the age of 27 I recently stared praying salah and now only shaitan misguiding me please help me I am really afraid of Allah almighty but I believe Allah hear and see everything what we do.

I would like to know what are the sunna to follow for my wife, so that she becomes more beautiful. Is there any dua or sunna we have to make so that my wife become more beautiful?

Some one told me to recite “Ya Ali Adrikini Fi Sabililah” for my problems.Can u Please tell me is it right to recite this? Please reply. Thank You.

Recently, my sister has started looking into witchcraft. She has told me that she has been casting spells and even admits that they work. However, she also tells me that she believes in Allah, and what she is doing is wrong.

Last month i went Jamath and i was very much focused on the Allah’s order following Nabi Saw sunnats now suddenly my mind is diverting towrads the shaitaan acts like seeing non mehrams…

I am a new Muslim recently took Shahadah last Ramadan Al Hamdulilah and i was just reading a response you gave to a brother regarding reciting Quran in a graveyard for the

1) Can I become a pilot … 2) Should I pay zakat for the money I save for pilot?