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Answers with Tag: heaven

Is borrowing with interest for property in non-Muslim country halal or haram?

Can you get travel/medical insurance for Hajj to cover medical expenses?

Does dying in Ramadan guarantee entry to heaven?

Is Cadbury milk tray halal or haram?

Origin of the black stone?

What does Sharia say about being a mortgage advisor?

Are there animals in Jannah, including sheep?

Commiting Suicide when about to be Raped

Can you please clarify the following verse in Surah al- Mulk?

If a non-believer’s child is born but passes away, does he/she go to hell or heaven?

1) I am still confused. I don’t know what to be thinking when I say durud sharif. I look up the words peace, salutations, and blessings, which are used in translations of darud sharif,…2) Will you please explain the benefits/virtues of sending salah and salam on prophet Muhammad (S)? Are there any worldly benefits associated with it? Also how, how often, and

1. We as muslims believe that in the end we all go to heaven. And our Prophet (SAW) has promised us that. I have read a hadith where our Prophet (SAW) has…2. We Muslims believe in Allah being the sole Creator and the only worthiest of being worshipped…and that Prophet (SAW) is his last messenger. A person in the present world…3. A person who’s asked to take up hijaab or pray five times a day…his reply is that we muslims will goto heaven anyway. How do we approach such kind of muslims.

Some years ago my understanding of Deen and the Sifaat of Allah subhanuwataala was flawed and I used to utter words that I am really ashamed of now. I know that ignorance….

He was wondering about the theological background regarding Adam (pbuh) and Eve and “original sin.” I know that concept does not count in Islam because we are all responsible for our own sins and we do not need a savior,

1- It has been mentioned in the Quran Shareef that the width of Jannah is according to the heaven and earth,and in hadeeth it mentions that the last person to enter Jannah … and other questions…