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Answers with Tag: Government

Insurance Brokerage Company

If laws are in conflict with the Shari’ah, will following them be wajib?

What is the punishment for insulting the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)?

Can I abort my child that I became pregnant with out of wedlock?

Can a Pharmacist work for a Bank?

Is it permissible to show face for identification purposes?

Government Tax

Gathering fake visas and flight tickets, is our income Halal?

Police Auction

What kind of insurances are permitted, if any?

Is it permissible to be married by nikkah only, and not to register it as a civil marriage?

Chartered Accountants

Using unauthorised ebooks and copied books

Is it permissible to take out the loan knowing that one will be able to pay it back fully before any interest is due from the student?

Is it permissible to take a student loan in which the government pays the interest money during the course?