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Answers with Tag: four months

How many days is Islam okay with a husband staying away from his wife with a 3 month old baby?

How long after an abortion can I pray and have intercourse?

What is the best course of action for me and my wife?

Is going in Tabligh Jamaat in the way of Allah, as per Quran and Hadith?

Is it permissible to take a car loan to go for Hajj, even if the company knows it is a false purchase?

Can you provide me with duas to help me with my marriage, bad breath, hair loss, and my baby’s crying?

Is gender testing of a pregnant woman justified if a family has several daughters?

What’s the meaning of my dream with two men visiting me at 9am, saying I’d die soon while pregnant?

Has my friend’s wife become haram for him after he said talaq three times in anger?

How can I advise my wife to handle her issues with my sister-in-law without committing gheebat?

Can she get a divorce without my consent and agreement?

Can I remain with my wife after 4 months if I gave her a ‘FIRST TALAQ’?

Is it permissible for a husband to deny his wife’s son money from her business in Islam?

Is Seh Roza, Chehla, 4 months, 1 Year, or 7 months Tableegh un-Islamic?

What can I do to ensure my mother stays with me for at least 4 months and 10 days?