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Answers with Tag: fish

I would like to know a muslim can keep a snake at home as a pet, What does Islam says about it? What does Islam says about snake keeeping it as a pet.

We owe the bank £20,000.00 mortgage and i also owe my father £13,000.00. Will it be permissable for us to go to hajj even though when we return we will still be incurring sin

If she touched her bag while eating this Haraam stuff, will her bag become contaminated?

One uses paint brushes that are made from pig, and we only find out now that we had painted the house with those, what can we do about this situation?

I have this really bad problem about masturbation. I just can’t stop. I stop for two weeks and I do it again.

Had to go out for work with a few of my collegues and after that we had to go to lunch, i had to go with. While siting around the table the lady sitting next to me decided to eat pork which fell on me

Given the recent situation in Natal regarding severe blood shortages, would it be permissible for muslims to ‘pitch in’ and donate blood.

I want to know the details about

My husband is a terribly selfish man – and only thinks about his own comfort.

They are known to be Ahle Hadith & say as muslim we only believe in the Quraan & the Hadith wich is the Sunat of prophet Muhammad S.A.W & no Madhabs

Is it wrong, if i ask my mother to stay with me, as my dad is very abusive physically and verbally

About masturbation despite of my all self controling efforts i am still unable to control

Is trout, catfish and salmon halal. I ask because they don’t have scales, instead they have a skin without scales.

Is it permissible for muslims to keep certain animals such as fish at home provided we take great care of them & respect them?

My friend and I love eachother and did zina. We dcided to get married but our family has become an obstacle, she’s sacrificing her love for others