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Answers with Tag: fish

If I die, how will my estate be divided and is skate halaal?

Would it be allowed to substitute “gelatin” and “glycerin” coated gelcapsules of fish oil for the fish oil itself?

Does wudhu have to be made after ghusul?

I require clarification on a previous fatwa regarding mounting of fish.i would like to know if the same is applicable to other animals, eg mounting of deer, etc.

Are the foll. Halal to eat? Clams, Crab, Tuna, Dolphins, Lobsters, Oysters, Octopus, Shellfish, Shrimp, Snails, Snakes

Can you kindly explain why fish and seafood is it already halal? why does not need to be slaughtered in a halal way?

1-Can we make zikr while we are lying down with our wife? 3-We have some kitchen utentils given by others, we’re not sure if they have used these utentils to eat pork. How should we clean these?

Eating shark. Is it makrooh? (please explain the reasoning, if yes).

Please give the meaning of the duaa LA ILLAHA ILLAH INI KUNTUM MINIS ZALIMIEN and when should one read this duaa.Also give a duaa,to come out of debts. I just cannot progress.

Halal Food and other questions..

Halal or haraam

Are there Ahadith that suggest the Dhikr of the following Ayats? LA-ILAHA ILLA ANTA SUB?HAANAKA INNI KUNTU MINAZZALLIMEEN! INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAYHI RAAJI?OON! and ?.

Is it permissible in Islam to eat Fish & Curd together?

What animals/seafoods cant we eat? Even if life depend on it? Arent all seafoods halaal?

What does seeing a a burning mark of a fish on the neck mean ?