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Answers with Tag: filth

Bone china, pure or impure?

Filth and Prayer

What is the ruling on using a misbaha (prayer beads) that is made of elephant bone?

Is it permissible for a person who is balding to have surgery to implant human hair, animal hai

Is Alcohol Filth?

Sexual dissatisfaction and oral sex

One of the types of filth mentioned in the Reliance is blood. Whenever I buy meat, it has blood on it. Is this blood considered filth?

Is it permissible to take medicine that contains 10% alcohol (which is considered filth)?

Is seawater purifying? How about water from a river? Are there any general rules for determinin

Alcohol in Perfumes, Aftershaves etc.

Ritually Impure Babies and the Validity of Prayer

Bedroom Fiqh: Oral Sex

Pigskin Sandals: Wudu and Makeups     

Validity of the prayer: Imam forgetfully closes the prayer with salams, remembers and offers th

Water Used to Wash a Filthy Carpet