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Answers with Tag: cousin

My family is scared their reputation will go if they break this engagement and is trying to convince me to go ahead with it because of what people will say.

I love a girl what should I do?

Is it permissible to marry the daughter of my cousin who was breastfed by my grandmother in addition to myself?

Should I marry a girl that has been proposed to?

What should I do to resolve my marital life?

Is my mothers’ cousin sister my mahram?

Can zakaat be given to son in law and syeds?

Advice on marriage and problems with masturbation

Four years ago I had nikah in front of 2 witness from boy’s side and there was one qazi along who recite Khudbaa of our nikaah and that qazi saab was also from boy side in this situation there was no one from my side I was alone. Both our parents werent informed about this nikah. What should we have to do now?

I dont think i can talk to my parent about my marriage with the cousin nor any close relatives.So should i try to say her directly thru my another close cousin that i want to marry her in future ?

A year ago I had my engagement with my cousin. In the one year I fell in love with another girl and that girl also loves me. I want marry that girl and tell my family but family refuses my requst and forced me to marry with my cousin.

I am in a relationship with my cousin sister and we both respect our families. So according to islam is it legal for me to marry her? If my family is against this marriage what should I do?

Kindly guide under the light of Islam what should Farah’s family do to get rid of Sohail and marry another person?

We did our nikāh in front of witnesses, but they thought we are acting out a movie scene. Is the nikāh valid?

My friend wants to marry his cousin’s daughter. Is this permissible?