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Answers with Tag: cousin

My Question is that Talking in this way through phone call or Through sms before Marriage is Permitted in our Religion or not?

I want to ask that i am being preesurized to meet my female cousins….. i want to ask tthat in keeping view the present time… what do u thnk that upto which extent a muslim can meet with female cousins…

Few months later, my cousin brother had an argument with his wife and pronounced the words ” I divorce you ” two times. But they reunited before completing his wife’s waiting period.

A few years back ( – 4 years) I had an opportunity to purchase a piece of land from the Bank…..

I just wanted to ask what if it is permissable to eat food that has the ingredioents : white wine vinegar.. spirit vinegar… red wine vinegar? …Is all forms of music prohibited? …I was told that a muslim woman should not take her husbands surname as it makes them appear 2 be from the same lineage

Please enlighten me about the laws of Harmate Musaharath. If a man has had an affair with his mother’s sister/khala(nauzobillah),the affair including mutual Sexual attraction including touching but no Intercourse,is he allowed to marry her daughter(his cousin sister)…..If a man has taken a car on finance(which includes paying extra) what can be done about it as kaffara if it is quivalent to giving interest?….How to get rid of keena.How can you love some one (a brother in Islam)who hates you?

An unmarried cousin of mine committed zina a few times but has repented seriously and has never ever comitted this sin again.How should she repent? Can she be forgiven if she truly repents? How does she feel normal again!

After sleeping with my wife when should gusal be performed, immediately after or can it be done, a few hours later, before fajar…. As a child age around 12 my father used to beat my mother regularly, …

Is swimmming allowed in the same pool where non-muslims swim even if no-one is in the pool?…I do jamaat in house with my cousin.Will I be sinful if i dont go to the mosque for praying although i pray in my house 5times a day…

I have been engaged to my cousin by my family in june; the nikah has not been Performed yet. As I live in Doha and she lives in Kashmir, we taik to each other on phone…

Could I try to get my sister to talk to a girl that I have seen for an engagement?

Can a girl or a women work, if yes than in what circumstances.

Is all shia Kafir .If not what makes them kafir or how can i identify if he is kafir.

I would like to know if I can marry my first cousin who is my mum’s older brother’s daughter. Also if it is recommended in Islam to get married to my cousin. Or if there is any Islamic teachings.

She is forcing for a talaq and she is going for a fasagh. What can I (the husband) do or what is my rights? Is the fasagh revokable?