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Answers with Tag: children

Response to the article in Huffington Post by Ingrid Mattson, ‘What’s up with Muslims and dogs.’

Things women cannot do in her menses

Our family has broken apart, what is your advice?

Could I have the meaning of these names? Asher, Ashir and Hashir

I sometimes regret being the second wife. What should I do?

Is it permissible for me to wear jeans under my abaya (cloak)?

Is permissible to hire Ahle Hadith?

Am I cursed by my mother?

Can I name my expected twins with the following names?

A man has given his wife 2 Talāqs. They live together but they haven’t slept together since then.

How do I fulfill my mother’s rights as well as my wife’s?

Is it compulsory to accept a Sayyid’s proposal?

I would like to know if it is permissible according to the Qurān and Sunnāh to perform all the Salāhs audibly, so that my daughters are able to learn and recite with me.

I have fallen in love with another man, but my parents won’t allow me to marry him.

Can I use Zakāt to pay off my mother’s loan?