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Answers with Tag: authenticity

Charity removes sin

Another narration on three people under the care and protection of Allah Ta’ala

Being unmindful of Allah Ta’ala in any gathering will be a cause of regret in the Hereafter

Correct translation of a Hadith on well wishing

A Hadith encouraging visiting the graveyard, giving ghusl and reading janazah Salah

Who is regarded to be the most ascetic?

Authenticity of a Hadith on istighfar

The Sunnah amount when eating

The punishment for concealing knowledge

“Whoever plays chess has committed shirk”

Oppose the Jews and Christians and use dye

The strict rules of the Hadith Masters

Authenticity of the Hadith regarding the best type of horse

Imam Ibn Al A’arabi (rahimahullah)

The virtues of knowledge and the remembrance of Allah