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Answers with Tag: authenticity

Authenticity of the du’a seeking protection from leprosy and other diseases

The du’a ‘Allahumma lakal hamdu hamday yuwafi ni’amak’

A du’a seeking protection from leprosy and other diseases

Authenticity of the du’a: O Turner of the Hearts (Ya Muqallibal Qulub)

Du’as in the book “Hisnul Muslim” (A Muslim’s fortress)

Authenticity and commentary of a du’a in Hizbul A’zam

Is this a fabrication in Fadail-A’mal?

The Bedouin who pulled Nabi’s (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) garment

Always take the good interpretation of a statement if possible

Knowledge is of three types

The aunt is like the mother

‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas’s (radiyallahu ‘anhuma) ruling on the janazah of a kafir

Passing one’s hand on the head of an orphan on ‘Aashura

Authenticity of ‘Salatul ‘Utaqa’ in Shawwal

Do not be deterred from Allah’s Path