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Answers with Tag: Adultery

How does one deal with non-Muslims when questioned on the age of Bibi Ayesha RadhiAllahu Anha at the time of her marriage to the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam?

Why is rape victim expected to produce atleast 4 witnesses in order to have her rapist convicted? Why is she accused of adultery incase she cant and given a punishment of stoning to death?

Tell me if the nikah of the son is broken if his father sleeps with his son’s wife? Also if the son’s wife is his mother’s niece then what about his father’s nikah with his mother?

I have three questions. Please advace!!!!!!

Salaams, What is the Islamic ruling with regards to 2 sisters being married to the same man at the same time?Are we even allowed to socialise with them?what do we do if they refuse to change?

Salam, How come non one the Muslim countries or anyone else isn’t helping Afghanistan when it is the same as attacking on Islam? It’s not fair!…

I want to get married to a muslim girl but her parnets won’t let her. They want some else for her.

Visited a girl for potential marriage and ended up doing everything but sexual intercourse that included hugging, kissing, oral sex Do these acts fall under fornication?

Is it possible to make nikah to the same girl twice?

Can we have Nikah without parents knowing. But with the definite intention on telling them later. Because they will not agree marriage for another 1-2 yrs. What do we do about walima,witnesses,Wali.

What are the minimum requirements for marriage between a couple of hanafi madhab?

She’s proposed by another boy, I was very confused on what to do, whether to walk away or ask her father for my proposal into marriage.

Mufti Saheb, what would you say are the prerequistes of giving dawahillallah.

What does Islam say about Cloning. What are the reasons to why isn’t allowed?

If I divorce my wife because she commits adultery, am I still obligated to support her after the divorce and would she still get custody of our children?