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Answers with Tag: Adhan

Please inform me about the rules related to itikaf for women?

Will putting cucumbers on one’s eyes break a person’s fast?

Do I have to fast while traveling in the month of Ramadhan?

Should we keep fast and pray Isha according to 15 degrees or 18 degrees?

Is the following feeding scheme permissible with the zakah funds?

Rajab Du’a

Until what time can we make intention for the fast of Ramadhan?

Is it permissible to treat patients of the opposite gender in Ramadhan?

Adhaan of a Child

Dua after Adhaan

Why is the Friday khutba in Arabic?

Women travelling in her menses

Reward for answering Azaan on a clock? Can a woman cut her hair? Can a woman go bald? To what extent is removing nadhar (evil eye) permissible? What is the Multazam?

Dua after Adhaan

Is my fast broken or not?